Angelina Jolie has spent several years portrayed as the villain who stole Brad Pitt from Jennifer Aniston.

Angelina Jolie has spent several years portrayed as the villain who stole Brad Pitt from Jennifer Aniston.

According to Life & Style, she’s now getting her revenge.

The magazine claims Jolie is helping to spread the rumor that Aniston is a “home wrecker” who pried Justin Theroux away from Heidi Bivens, his longtime girlfriend.

“Angelina is having a good laugh over Jen’s new scandal,” says a Life & Style “insider.”

But that’s not all!

“She’s been calling mutual Hollywood pals and helping to spread the accusations against Jen,” claims the article.

The “insider” quotes Jolie as asking friends, “Who’s the home wrecker now?”

“She even joked that maybe now that Jen’s being seen as the bad girl, she’ll get better acting roles,” adds the mag’s source.

Jolie’s “needlessly cruel” alleged actions mean that, “just as Jen’s gotten her love life back on track, Angie’s trying to sabotage her again.”


All of this is fascinating, except, as Life & Style itself points out repeatedly, Aniston did not steal Theroux and is not a “home wrecker.” Theroux and Bivens broke up way before he and Aniston hooked up.

Also, as Life & Style observes, there’s no bad blood between Theroux and Bivens, who “appears to have moved on.”

So what we have, essentially, is this:

Life & Style uses the unsubstantiated (and bizarre) allegation that Angelina Jolie is telling people Jennifer Aniston’s a home wrecker to write a giant article about Aniston’s man-stealing “scandal,” even though no one – including the mag itself – actually seems to think she stole Theroux.

Jolie isn’t the one trying to “sabotage” Aniston.

The tabloid is.