Tom Cruise Rock and Roll

Apparently, Tom Cruise is the real deal. He can act, he can dance, and get this — he can actually sing!

For some reason we had our doubts, but reports from on set are starting to stifle those doubts quickly. Especially from Julianne Hough, who calls him "astonishing."

She said:

"I'm not kidding, the guy can sing. The guy can dance, the guy obviously can act. I mean, he can do it all, and he does it all very well."

"I wasn't there for the first day of shooting for his stuff, but I just got people emailing me, like, 'Oh my gosh,' chills, standing ovation, holy crap, the crew was blown away. And I'm like, 'I missed it! What the heck?' So, he's astonishing."

"Yeah, oh yeah, it's ridiculous. There are no words to describe how amazing Tom is. I mean, he's so in it."

Wow! We hope she's right, we mean, we don't really have a reason NOT to trust her (except that she's involved with the movie and wouldn't want to say he's terrible).