Avatar 2 & 3 will be a great Hit

In a recent interview with Fox News, James Cameron opened up about the next two Avatar film, set for release in 2014 and 2015.

Although they are still a long way away, we have some news about the shooting schedule and how exactly the two sequels are going to work.

"We're shooting the two films back-to-back, so I'm writing two scripts, not one, which will complete a [three]-film story arc – not really a trilogy, but just an overall character arc so I'm pretty excited about that."
He also talked about the new 3D technology they are working on for the film saying, "We're doing a lot of preliminary work right now on new software and new animation techniques and so on. We're creating a new facility in Manhattan Beach so everybody that's not already dead is coming back."

So the film is really just going to be like a 10 hour story broken into three movies? Interesting. Cameron must have a lot of ideas and adventures for Pandora!

Are you excited to see more stories from Pandora?